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Friday, 3 April 2015

In search of a version of sustainable development suitable for Ethiopia

Mr. Abera Tilahun, President, Micro Business College  remained a keen listener for Mr. Chandra Bhushan (behind). PHOTO: TESHALE CHALUMA, MICRO BUSINESS COLLEGE
President of Micro Business College, Mr. Abera Tilahun, in his opening remarks mentioned about the ambiguities persisting with the concept of sustainable development. The sustainable development was defined by its founder, the Brundtland Commission of 1987 as the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations to meet their own needs. 

Since then scholars used to challenge its precise meaning. Mr. Abera recalled that the founder of the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), New Delhi the late Anil Agarwal was one of the scholars who challenged the ideology, evoking worldwide debate. For example, Anil Agarwal used to question as to whose future generations’ needs would be safeguarded; that of affluent developed countries or that of the deprived developing economies. Mr. Abera expressed his solidarity with the concept of ‘Red-Green Environmentalism’ introduced by Anil Agarwal, for it takes into consideration not merely conservation, but the livelihood and resource needs of the people. 

Mr. Abera said that the concept of development is still intertwined with differing paradigms. For example, the World Development Summit of 1995 underpinned ‘People’s initiative and empowerment’ and ‘strengthening capacities of the people’ in the development process. The World Development Report of 1997 called at States to have central role to economic and social development, not as a direct provider, but as a partner, catalyst and facilitator.  Experts like Amartya Sen and Martha Sussbaum favour the capabilities approach or human development approach. There is the latest Green Economy Paradigm introduced two years back by the United Nations Environment Programme.  

“Our country is now running fast on the tracks of progress and development. Micro Business College community is also playing its humble role as a contributor to the country’s progress. To attain sustainable development in its most appropriate meaning, we need to know which version of the sustainable development is best suited for our country”, he said. He expressed happiness for getting an acclaimed thinker and speaker, Mr. Chandra Bhushan from an esteemed organization like the Centre for Science and Environment that remains enriched of the heritage imbibed from a luminary like Anil Agarwal. 

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